Astrolysz Scopes

The moon has been in Pisces for a couple of days now and we are feeling all the feels from others and our own, we might be having dreams as if we were really there and some of it can be overwhelming. Be mindful and be gentle with ourselves and each other. Friday, the moon moves in to Aries and with mars in Aries be careful with your words and Reactions but also have fun channel you’re passionate in positive ways whatever that means to you. Somethings may come across harsh or than expected so establish boundaries with love and gain clarity on where you’re going for the next six months. There will be breakthroughs, so pay attention to the newness coming and even some of the difficulties, watch your money. Keep choosing your battles wisely.


Refill your cup but also focus on the full and not the empty parts. It’s been a weird time to celebrate your birthday, but every small thing adds up. Sometimes we can get caught up on loss and ignore all the blessings. Don’t blindside yourself on the goodness still being given and gifted to you. Half full is a better view than half empty. Multiple halves can lead to overflow.


What’s going on Leo? Are you giving more than what you’re expecting to receive? Expectations of others can lead to disappointment. What if you showered yourself, with all you have given to others instead? Plant seeds so you can harvest joy that belongs to you. The sun is more fulfilling when you’re basking in it, instead of watching from the shade. Some things are only meant for you and that’s OK.


You’re releasing the burdens you’ve been carrying. If you’ve been feeling low on creativity or hermiting has left you feeling isolated, ask for help. Reach out to someone you’ve been missing and like my therapist said create more routines for joy and not the shoulds. You aren’t alone in your growing pains, say something to someone, you just might be pleasantly surprised.


The world is in your hands. Choices are coming your way quickly. Either way has its positives. Do right by you always. Pay attention to all the outcomes. Sit back and see the big picture. Your oasis is yours don’t give access to it so freely, be selective.


The ability to create the joy, romance, and/or abundance as you define, it is yours. Supported by the universe. If you are unhappy with something in your life change it. You are the CEO of your life. Run it. Victory magic and transformation is in your hands, don’t let you stop you from it.


This week I got the same energy as last week but stagnant. It’s OK to feel doubtful and being nostalgic. Maybe write the joys and struggles from whatever needs to be released. Sometimes we can get stuck in the illusion that it could’ve been different. Come back to yourself, clarify where and what you want. Some things have to be on anchored in order for you to head into a new direction.


Have you been kind to yourself lately? Things might be hazy and with everything astrologically going on things aren’t as clear as can be. Don’t force yourself to do more than your body can. Go out and play, Your inner child is calling, speak positivity into yourself.


You are winning right now and if you aren’t yet, balance out what feels off. Self-love, external love, and joy are yours. Renewal is coming or it’s here already. Everything is worth enjoying; make sure to watch for overindulgence but still put on those rose-colored glasses and live your life fully.


Watch your spending y’all – be it energy wise, money, or undervaluing yourself.  Watch with giving too much. You don’t always have to have it, do it, or be the point of reference. Give that to yourself what you give to others. Treat yourself as you would treat those that you love.


You might be doing too much right now or things might be cloudy or you’re overwhelmed. Good news is coming, but you may have to get still and release ego out of the outcome. Ground yourself in nature. You are doing the work; keep seeing your road clearly. You might wanna wear a little more red.


See both sides. Fill out the right path. Not making a move in a rush has its own benefits. There’s a lot of shoulds looming in the air which might be a battle for you. But what do you truly desire? Follow and build on that feeling. When indecisive wear a little more yellow or gold.


Is you is or is you ain’t in charge of your feelings? Your duality might be tipping into either too intellectual or overly emotional territory. Remember that you reign supreme. Maintain equilibrium by knowing you will always have what you need in love and life. As much as you give you should equally receive. Empower yourself in that vibe of royalty.


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