Today Venus goes direct which means it’s moving forward but there still a shadow period. Since February, What have you learned about what you value with money, relationships, and self-love? We also have Neptune now retrograde, which is the planet of rose-colored glasses, so cue “I can see clearly now the rain is gone,”sort of, there are still 5 to 6 planets that are going to be in retrograde most of the year.

Mars is also going into Aries this weekend.

Be careful with aggression from others to others. The best way to channel this energy is starting a new work out, getting old things done, and it’s go time on all that’s been sitting around.


Ground yourself and get your things in order. Tackle the list but be mindful of doing too much and burning out. You got a lot of energy but don’t deplete it all at once. Be selective with your passion, not everyone or thing is worthy of it.


Take charge. Get on up. Forward march. You been wanting to change your life to receive more of what you are worthy of. Let’s go. You hold all the keys to the life you want to live. Open the door, build it, or bust it down. Take up space with your true self forward.


Let go of all that has been weighing you down, only then can the cluttered road open up for you. Release control it is only going to drag you into a lack or low vibe mind state. Some people or situations are only for a season. Remember blooming comes after winter. Let it be and don’t hurt yourself.



Let it go. Let it unfold. Let it be. Sometimes pushing through can crack your shell, dear crabs sit still, and open your claws to receive. Love and abundance doesn’t need to always be hunted or chased. Resilience is also in the stillness remember you are supported. Ask, detach, and you just might receive.


It might feel like everything is upside down. But everything might just be falling apart so you can realize how solid you are as your own foundation. Everything you looked for externally already lives within. Illuminate any one thing that distracts you from being your full self and in your power. Let the chips fall where they will and pick yourself up instead. Celebrate yourself.


Abundance is here. Transformation is here. Nurture your creations. See your blessings. Acknowledge and keep going after your dreams. You got the power. Now use it without questioning it or asking permission. You can. You will.


Receive thy offering. You’re gaining headway. Small blessings coming through but keep your head in the game and remember to always value you first. Let no one/thing cloud your judgment, no matter how shiny it is.


Are you pouring from an empty cup? Balance yourself out. Peep other people’s behavior and Remove access to those taking too much. Don’t look back unless it is to see how far you’ve come. Pour back in and let others do so or ask for what you need so you can receive.


You’ve been in your head lately. Disconnecting from reality or over focused on what was. I feel frustration energy. Get out of the whoa is me or resentment. See everything as a steppingstone to the person you are today. Forgive and persevere. The best revenge is your healing and reclaiming of self. You have more power than you give yourself credit for, focus on that.


Dreams and breakthroughs. Maybe coming on the next eclipse or full moon in July. Meditate for self-care more. Release the limitations on your joy. There’s more to life than the material. Disconnect and tune in with yourself. See things for what they are and not what they should be, or it will keep you stuck.


You’ve been putting in the work now it’s time to rejoice. Soak in the sun. Be glad for your day today. Be present with every joyful moment. Hold onto this form of abundance. Let your childlike nature and playfulness be free.


Will you or will you not come through for yourself or you gonna go in and go hard or will you stay in your comfort zone? I think some hard decisions or newness is coming, what will you decide? Weigh out your options and head to the road best for you. Even if it got potholes in it, it might just be worth it. You choose. Your word is bond but you can always change your mind if it isn’t beneficial.

Lysz Flo
Spoken Word Poet, Author, Podcast Host



Lysz Flo Reflects Chapbook

Soliloquy of an Ice Queen


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