7/30/20 Aquarius Full Moon

The Aquarius full moon is our revolutionary and detached focus on the collective good. Be quirky in your ways of being your trust self. 2020 continues to teach us how to release what no longer serves us. Pay attention to the  what liberation means for you and the collective people around you. Review any and all documents that you recently signed or got into. Mercury and Venus retrograde shadow is over so communication in all your relationships maybe easier to understand. If you need to have hard conversations, do so with clarity and kindness. Focus on the big picture and have some inner child fun.  Be the light while not blocking anyone else’s.


Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Secure thy bag and let the good times roll. Let change come, it’s for the better. Movement is coming in regards to finances, a position, or accolades. Stay fabulous. Keep putting yourself out there it will lead you to the right rooms.


The world is in your hands what will you do with it? How will your work towards your dreams and purpose? It’s time to receive your dreams. Release dead weight and let the universe guide your next move. Think your next moves through. Know that you won’t lose either way you go.


Honor yourself. Redirect some of your energy to yourself. Stand your ground. Be the CEO of your life. Let no one run you but also allow support in. You know what’s best and so does the universe. Own it, it’s ok to self preserve from time to time.


Let your feels be felt completely. Don’t let old events and resentment hold you down from your victories or anyone else’s for that matter. Express yourself through joy, dance, and pour into yourself. Let go of old anchors. You can float you don’t only have to sink or swim. Be compassionate with yourself and let that inner knowing guide you.


You’re seeing things clearly. Some of those hardships are moving out of your way. Lead as an example. What you feel is right. Celebrate your accomplishments with all the bells and whistles. Be proud of yourself.


Are you slowing down? It looks like smelling the roses, being out in the sun and nature, may unlock the answers you have been looking for.  You’ve been going through changes and constant transformation. Do so gently and easefully. Joy can come each morning.


This moon you can change your life and outcomes. Life is rearranging. Let things move around. Don’t force it. Don’t fight it. Plant seeds on the third and or fourth. What is going quickly may slow, what is difficult may become Joy or vice a versa. Flow with what comes. There will be change and it will be good change. Ask for what you desire.


Be inquisitive with your well-being. The greater good cannot be supported from empty cups. Don’t isolate but do take time to be around anything and anyone that supports you. In order to think clearly you have to feel a lot more full internally. It’s OK if you’re not quite feeling 100%. Unplug and charge yourself and your inner child.


Healing is here. That heartache or disappointment is finally leaving. It’s harvest season and you are abundant internally and externally. Make sure to tell the universe Your wishes. Stand in the hope, bounty, And all-around joy feeling. Value your self and surroundings mor,  savor the now.


New beginnings and mental clarity is here. Release the burdens. Release the pains. Release what have you pinned you to low vibrations. Speak your truth. Release it all to make room for the brand new chapter coming in. It’s time to vibrate higher.


What may have seemed too good to be true or had your mind muddled now becomes clear. See your options with all of their loopholes. Lean into what truly moves you. You know what benefits you in the long run. No need to overreach or over extend yourself. You will always have enough.


Be the light. Live knowing you are your highest vibration. You are the magician. You can turn that frown upside down, don’t let anyone forget your own magic. You can make the changes you desire in life. You are the sun and it is alive already inside you, be in that space and let it reflect back to you on the outside.


Lysz Flo Reflects Chapbook

Soliloquy of an Ice Queen


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