Happy Virgo new Moon. This means creating structure, manifesting and planning all of the things that you desire in the most orderly way possible. Gathering your thoughts, making analytical sense of them, and take good care of your body, eating well, being of service and being served. What are you manifesting today? This will probably start developing within the next month. Ground yourself and plant your seeds now until Sunday. The universe wants to know do you have your life together or will you put it together?


It may feel like everything is moving so fast that you are either going through analysis paralysis or to the point that you just want to sit still to absorb and analyze everything around you. Find your balance ,use this day to get anything that feels like chaos in order, create a plan for the future that you desire (the nearest future or what have you) the wheel is turning in your favor. How will you enjoy this ride into the world and the growth that you could’ve never imagined for yourself? If you’re really struggling find a way to detach and look at everything from an objective view this will help you move forward and not grip onto what no longer belongs.


For your new moon wishes I get an abundance of different emotions, your season is coming, so things may be changing for the better. Less worrying about holding yourself back from being who you truly are in all of your forms. The time is now, to connect with others on a deeper level as well as be yourself fully (especially in romance or your deepest relationships.) As always balance is key for your success on all levels. When two people pour, the refilling is just that better. Express your true self and celebrate, it’s time. If you’re not exactly here yet, what could you do or brainstorm on to get you there?


In this moon, you’ll be getting downloads or revelations. This is a time to collaborate especially on the money at work or any endeavor that you are creating; collaboration is where your abundance lives. You are the creator of your destiny, by going deep into yourself and doing all of the things that you have wished for. Work on manifesting, you will get it, for some people three might be the magical number (whatever that means for you but know that you). Create your legacy with the stars, make sure to write down more things you’d like to manifest and watch it work.


Now is the time to clarify where there may be an energy leak. Decide, is it worth keeping it around? Let no one guilt you into the next steps of your life that you desire, it is only anchoring you in stagnancy. For this new moon, I recommend getting clear about your boundaries, about where you’d like to evolve. Release the need to struggle often and give more than what you receive. Ease and abundance can be possible simultaneously. Write down the energy exchanges you would like to have and let the universe provide.


So for you I got Bobby Valentino slow down. Take the time to really savor all of your wins. Don’t move too fast into the directions that you want to go. Take a moment to fully jump into the unknown, know that you will always be provided for, and that any result is always in your favor. You don’t always have to know every step towards fulfillment. You do need to know how it feels to be for filled and record that into your body. Write down what you really desire and where you want to grow and don’t worry about the how.


The universe wants to give you what you desire but are you holding yourself back out of fear of success? Allow yourself to be moved into the direction and path and abundance that you seek. Be in the unexpected and see clearly what is and what can be possible. Don’t go against the grain. Allow yourself to be moved and to receive. Keep communing with the universe. Your guides and ancestors are awaiting you to speak with them, tell them what you like, ask for what you want, because closed mouths don’t get fed.


Embody the strength that you know you have or you can also work on manifesting it. You are no longer pouring from an empty cup, it’s getting refilled. However you decide: do you continue to break away from all of the old, will you manifest a new beginning even if the newness takes away something, will you get out of your comfort zone in order to pleasantly swim down the stream of your dreams? Dear Pisces know that you are capable. What are your new moon dreams? Ground your thoughts and write them into paper. I would say to do some kind of water related ritual whatever calls to you.


Aries in this new moon I say plan for your abundance. It’s been a struggle and I said that last week accept the difficulties that you have had, but do not accept them as if that is all you will have. Some of these things have been for a learning experience and for protection. Without any of these obstacles what would you do and what would you create for the next year for yourself? It’s all possible and now is the time to put these the beliefs onto paper. Also, make a list and burn your hardships away to make space.


Release any lack or mindsets and old programming that has you shackled. Working hard is part of creating your legacy but so is letting the universe work hard for you. You are naturally abundant and attract abundance towards you, don’t deflect it with any prior thought processes or experiences. Do not let feelings of unworthiness or beliefs that it just can’t be, tie you down. Free yourself. Write down all the ways that you can expand without limiting yourself with “reality.”


Cancer you be knowing, use it to the best possible outcome. You are creating the reality of your dreams. Continue to commune with the universe, your ancestors, and whatever it is that you believe in. They are listening, they got you, and they are supporting all of the growth that you have incurred in this year. Real the blessings and continue writing them down and building your blessings up. You have dodged and released a lots of heavy energy and self abuse, be proud of that. In this new moon gratitude and honoring is called along with your manifestation.


For this new moon the first word that came to mind is renewal. Do the things that ground you and make you feel brand new. Rest is super key to your growth and your expansion and your creativity. With self-care and self-love comes all of the riches, confidence, and joy. Feed and support and uplift your inner child it will reap major results in transformation. How are you engaging in play for the next few days? You are the source of possibility. Tap into the lightheartedness of life.


Things may be taking a turn but you are seeing refocusing your vision right now. Everything is unfolding in divine timing. What may be unclear is actually there to provide you a different kind of intuitive clarity. Allow yourself to be adaptable to the changes that are happening. Not every door is needs to be opened. But you know where you’re headed regardless. Tell the universe what you desire to unfold, say it with your lion spirit, this is not time to play small. The world you want is in your hands. You can make it happen but this time, you have to tell the universe and speak clearly and in detail. Once you’re clear, write it down and watch that spell work.

Happy New Moon Blessings!


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