Virgo season sometimes, we have to learn to lean into the chaos and the yucky stuff. For this Virgo season and this Pisces full moon release all of that mental chatter that has been keeping you paralyzed. Next week we have a Pisces Full Moon Wednesday at 1:22 AM – and that means it’s time to release a lack of boundaries, reconnect to the dreamer and higher version of you. Release the need to control and fall into the flow. Surrender to the unknown and tune in. I recommend some alone time on or about that day. Virgo season may feel hectic with a need to organize, perfect, and strategize. Take a moment to be in the picture of the present. There can be changes in romance as well as long term relationships hopefully for the better. Always remember you are enough.


Your blessings are actually coming this time I know that many of us have been putting in the work and wondering when will we reap the reward it is OUR season. Keep going. It’s literally around the corner. It will be unexpected, it will catch you off guard, and it may surpass anything that you could fathom. Your mindset will manifest. Make sure that it is what you want. Celebrate yourself and celebrate another trip around the sun.


Some of your foundations may be crumbling and that is all in your highest and best. Sometimes when things fall apart they’re actually coming into place. Keep being open to receiving, keep working towards your biggest desires, new beginnings are coming and some may even be in the emotional sector. Continue to work on balancing all things in your life. Sometimes the doors that close are because it’s opening a whole different hallway do not be disheartened.


For some of you, it has been a long tumultuous road and overall this year has just been running us ragged. For those who have been struggling and still pushing forth, blessings are upon you. That healing, that light after the dark, that wish, whatever it is that you have been hoping for is here it may not look exactly as you envisioned let that need for it to be a certain way go and with that the veil will be lifted. You will bathe in your blessings.


Sag there’s something that has been going on for a while. Now I don’t know what moves or big step that’s coming or you’ve been working on but continue going in the direction that you feel certain of. Stay patient and maintain moderation. If you are receiving very positive things you may want to keep it to yourself until it’s fully formed because I just feel like there’s haters or something around you. Or somebody is withholding information, ensure that you’ve done all the research and read all of the fine print. This may be an out of ordinary experience or project for you but it’s completely OK. You got this.


You may need to be very clear and concise with the way you see things, act on them, and what you’re willing to do to get where you’re going. You are naturally abundant, you make things happen, and you excel. Don’t let that be your end all and be all. You are much more valuable than just what you put out or what you achieve. You are more than just your work. Do not become overly tied to the need to be great. You already are.

Maintain a steady pace you’ll still get where you’re going.


Keep being selective with where you put your energy. There are a lot of opportunities available. Make sure that you continue to focus on your ultimate goal. It looks like you have either a decision to me or you may need to pivot into something different that you weren’t expecting. Know that it’s all working in divine order regardless of the decision, you don’t lose. Also don’t be distracted by what the world wants from you, what do you want for you?


This moon might be Poppin for you. You are naturally a giver and lover to those that you deeply care about and so whatever surplus you have (sometimes in excess) you may give away. That is OK sometimes we need that. Ground yourself this moon and create a small ritual in what you’re willing to release. Have discernment, make things happen, balance things out for yourself and you’ll see things open up for you. In this moon you’re being asked to be fully grounded. Any challenges that you have been struggling with will be overcome. I feel like that’s a guarantee. But you must release what has been weighing you down.


So it seems that you have a decision to make or are you have a lot of releasing to do during this moon. Whatever you got in your thought process, difficulties at work, or monetary, it is not the end of you. It is a difficulty, yes, but once you decide that you’re going to fully believe in your capabilities (that you have proven to yourself time and time again) you’ll know what your next step is. Use this moon to regroup to remind yourself who you are. And disconnect a little bit from the day today that may have been running you instead of you running it. Then get back in the race. It’s a marathon not a sprint.


Change is good. Sometimes it’s hard especially for earth signs like my gold ol Taurus here to accept it. However, there is a divine guidance leading you to these changes and there is nothing but good around these changes. Have a little fun, celebrate with your friends, reconnect with your loved ones. Be the joy and love you wish to receive. It will only multiply.


How is Virgo season treating you so far? It’s time to come out from hiding (if you have been) or from withholding any information. Speak your worries and talk your truths with someone that you really trust. New beginnings are coming and they may have you on edge. Do your best to not be distracted by all that is glittering. Any burdens that you have placed upon yourself release them. Only then can you cup the filled.


I got so much energy for you cancer. It looks like there is a new thought process or a new experience coming your way that you may not have realized. Something huge is going to change your perception, let it do so. Embark on this new chapter or new journey. The work that you put in once it’s here, will change your life or improve something in your life for the better. It will all be worth it in the long run. It might throw you off but see the blessing in it.


I have some really good energy for you. You may be feeling on top of your game or you will be eventually. Let go of what has been hanging onto you. Whatever you think that you can’t do or whatever fear that has been taking up space, let it go. Because only joy and emotional fulfillment is here. It is up to you to receive it.

Lysz Flo Reflects Chapbook
Soliloquy of an Ice Queen
Physical book

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