Today Mars squared Pluto and so you many find yourself placed on a cross roads. How much have you healed really? Have you completed that cycle? If the same thing comes around what will you do this time? Repeat or reinforce your growth? Uranus is also going retrograde on Saturday until mid January which means major awakenings, authenticity, and a higher-self season is here. Expect the unusual, the weird and the unexpected. Go with the wind and not against the current. If you don’t like change learn to lean into its discomfort. It’s time for an upgrade and dismantling of the all that hasn’t served us collectively and individually. There’s also a new moon in Leo on Tuesday, I say plant your seeds and live in your loudest honest and most sincere dramatic truth.


Soothe that heart chakra, chill with your inner child on a homie level. The universe has something in store for you. But are you ready? Make space to receive this offering of compassion and healing it is also needed from you for you. Let go of what holds you back, baggage included. Blue Sunnier skies are ahead with each truth you live and accept. Know that your cup continues to overflow.


Before you can make it happen get clear with your higher power. Claim it, visualize it, manifest it. Ask aloud, you don’t need to overwork yourself to make it happen. Manifest it with your spiritual team. You are supported. Ride that magic carpet and let your work go hand-in-hand. Nothing will be as you expect it to be and that might be a good thing. Surrender fully to hope.


It looks like you’re transitioning has you between the old and the new. Keep elevating even if the world around you might be crumbling or those around you aren’t exactly thrilled with your newness. Adapt but stay grounded in your convictions. The wheels keep turning regardless if others aren’t. Maintain your priorities balanced and allow room to positively pivot.


Some blessings are in the skies. Closed doors or the need to find another way can lead to better opportunities and unexpected blessings. Release the need to know, control, or carry it all on your back. Lean on others and watch it all be resolved without your need to be in the middle. It’s OK to rest, everyone has it from here. You’ll get poured into by self and others, what a pleasant surprise.


Be still, what was hidden will be revealed maybe by the Leo new Moon. You may want to push or make it all happen forcefully but position yourself to receive it instead. Keep that same strategy energy. It’ll work in your favor as you plant seeds in the long run. Keep an eye on all sides for any unexpected checkmates.


Do you realize that you are the tamer of wild beasts? Whatever small box you think you belong to—get out. You belong on centerstage. If you receive accolades celebrate them. Be bold be comfortable with life’s discomfort in doing and receiving big things. Be proud of your accomplishments. It is no small feat. Don’t see what you haven’t done yet, see all that you have done so far. Frequency is energy and so is money.


Integrity is key especially for this last quarter and change of the year. You’ll reap what you sow so make sure it’s positive. Victory is yours if you put your heart and mine together to balance it all out. Be real with yourself and make a plan. The world is in your hands work with what your dealt, no bluffing is needed. Keep a close eye on others intentions as well. You already know what it is you gotta do. Do it.


Know that you aren’t alone in your quest for success even if it feels that way. Whatever has been revolving on your mind – It might be time to put action behind it. You want a lot are you willing to do what it takes? Start somewhere. It doesn’t all have to be done right now. You already know, Egypt wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself the same reverence to be magnificent.


What do you wish for? Write it down especially on the new moon on Tuesday. Say less. Do more. Work towards really making it your reality. Get some accountability buddies and a support system who believe in you. You can want and you can do, but alclaiming it as yours goes along way. Put in 100% towards that change, stick to it, you’ll see it pay off. A little hope and magic will help match your effort. All is not lost unless you believe it is so.


Your world may get a little unstable. New foundations are being built. Call it a change in view or perception. This time calls for you to zoom out and be present in this world as it is and as things come. For you this Uranus retrograde may be extra loud. Life is under construction. If you let it move you: joy, abundance, and ease will overflow. Be the truest ever-changing honest version of you or be dragged into it. It really will be all good once you ride the wave of the unexpected.


I’m feeling more of last week’s energy. A lot of noise in and around you. Tap in to your heart space. Is your narrative really a true story or are you hanging onto it a little too tightly? Universe wants to give you your heart’s desire but it’ll take some self accountability and honesty to get there. Feel your feelings, you’ll find your truth is there. Past the swarming of your constant thoughts. Let this shift happen. New beginnings will come in once you release all reigns and anchors.


Your relationships may be a little sweet and a little sour. The dust can be settling and reconfiguring. Let all of the unexpected move you along the stream of nurturing. Is the world reflecting your inside? There are major cycles being completed within and out. See your truth and the truth of those around you. Accept it with compassion. It will lead you to the right people, opportunities, and breakthroughs. Let your heart lead and let no one shame you for it. Equal exchange is the guiding key.



Lysz Flo Reflects Chapbook

Soliloquy of an Ice Queen


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